Memories that last a life time.

As many of you know we took off on a wild crazy adventure a little over a year ago. We packed up our house in a 10x10 uhaul and said good bye to the people we love the most. We weren't sure what was in store for us or where we were headed but we grabbed on an held on tight. Being away from everyone you know, often sheads light on what you appreciate in life. It made me appreciate my small cornfield town, my tiny group of friends, and my large rambunctious family. When listing off the things I missed most there was one that took me by surprise, simply because I hadn't even thought about it... I miss the silly family traditions that don't really have a purpose other than the fact of bringing everyone together. One that has been heavy on my heart this fall is not being home to visit our local apple orchard.

The apple orchard holds a special place, not just in my heart but also in Marks. You see Marks family has been going to the orchard ever since he could remember. A fun filled september day full of apple picking, cider drinking and doughnut eating. I guess you could say it wasn't officially fall until they had made the annual trip. We had continued this tradition since we started dating making it a yearly trip to fill up on apples and doughnuts. So for Mark and I we've had hundreds of special memories over the years which makes it hard to not be home this fall. For me however the orchard shared one special memory that I hold close to my heart. The very first time I had ever been to the orchard was with my grandma in high school. She had asked me if I wanted to go an get doughnuts, willingly I said yes! ( anyone who knows me knows I can't pass up doughnuts.) We walked the orchard a received our freshly baked still warm cinnamon covered apple doughnuts, and I fell in LOVE. These doughtnuts are not just a tasty treat to me, as they are to so many people. But for me it is a beautiful ticket to remembering a distant memory. A memory I look back on every time fall arrives and we plan for the orchard trip. A memory to when you were still here with us. So since we were unable to make our annual trip to the orchard back home. We adventured out to North Carolina for an apple orchard of our own. And low a behold what did they have... Apple Doughnuts! It was hard to believe it wasn't ment to be that we ended up there! We spent the day waking the orchard hand in hand collecting the perfect apples, for the perfect day! And of course enjoying some fresh apple doughnuts! A special thank you to my grandmother for that special day an memory. You will forever be on our hearts! We love an miss you!